Games Workshop 44 €

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Against swift-moving foes the Privateers also employ Scourgerunner Chariots. Quick and deadly, these war machines streak ahead of the hunting parties. From the mobile fighting platforms, keen-eyed aelves snare beasts by launching wickedly sharp harpoons.

The Scourgerunner Chariot is drawn by 2 Dark Steeds, and holds seven spare harpoons for the crew. Two Beastmasters act as crew, one of whom can be armed with a spear, or with a ravager harpoon.

This plastic kit contains 66 components with which to make either a Scourgerunner Chariot or Drakespawn Chariot. Also included is 1 transfer sheet with which to add a variety of banner designs. It is supplied with a 120mm oval base.

This kit comes supplied unpainted and requires assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints.