Games Workshop 32,50 €

Objednáme pre Vás - Tento produkt momentálne nemáme skladom, ale nie je problém ho objednať od dodávateľa. Dodacia doba sa v tomto prípade predĺži o približne 8 až 14 dní. Produkt môžete vložiť do košíka, ako keby bol skladom.
(0 ks na sklade)
Summoned by the blazing will of the Runemasters and Runesmiters, Magmic Invocations are magical constructs forged of arcane fire that bring death to the foes of the Fyreslayers.

In this set, you’ll be able to build a set of Magmic Invocations of your own, allowing you to mater the full might of your Fyreslayers army. Inside, you'll find:

- The Zharrgron Flame-spitter, a geyser of molten lava that deals devastating damage to massed infantry
- The Runic Fyrewall, a barrier of gold and flame that shields your units from harm
- The Molten Infernoth, a raging elemental that rampages across the battlefield, slaying your enemies while leaving the Fyreslayers untouched

This kit is supplied in 22 plastic components, and is packed with 1x 120mm oval base.